About Us

Aafno Chord is a site where you can find the free lyrics, chords and tabs of different Nepali songs. Aafno Chords  focus on the nepali songs which are hitting on the Youtube. Aafno Chords delivers the latest updates on national issues with on the Nepali music industry. Our main focus is to those provide the Lyrics and Chords of the songs so that users can catch the lyrics and play the songs at anytime anywhere without having to watch the tutorial videos on Youtube.
Besides its comprehensive lyrics, chords and tabs, Aafno Chord also offers the features the facility to submit your request. It is simple all you need is to go to the Request Your Song tab on the menu and fill the forms. All details are describes there. Once you submit your request, We will review your request and upload your song along with chords, lyrics and tabs as soon as possible.
As the status of Nepali music is in the state of degrading because of the influence of the western style and their culture, today’s generation prefer the English songs rather than our local and native song. Which is our main aim is to preserve our local and native songs and make them reach to every Nepalese. So that whenever they are sing a song, we can listen them singing our local songs.

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